Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Explore our Frequently Asked Questions to find all the information you need about Aesthetic Fitness and Wellness Recovery. From fitness programs to recovery services, we've compiled the most common queries to guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Do you have to be a member to do classes?

We offer a drop in service bookable via website.

Is there women only classes available?

We have a number of women only classes available along with set times for use of the recovery facilities.(more can be added on demand)

Is the facility accessible for all levels?

We take pride in making all our members feel welcome and all the classes inclusive for all fitness levels.

Do you have to be a seasoned yogi to do Hot Yoga?

Getting used to the heat is probably the most challenging part for a client new to Hot yoga, we encourage you to take time rest when needed and bring water.

What do I need to bring for training or yoga?

We suggest bringing a towel and water, some people prefer to bring there own yoga Mats.

Are there showers on site?

Yes we have Female and Male changing areas, showers and Toilets.

Do you have to be a member to use recovery area?

No you can book the recovery area (cold bath, Infrared Sauna) for separate use along with the Cryo chamber, prices & times are available via the website.